QiGong and Taijiquan
The Mythology of Reincarnation

The virtues and benefits of sharing this teaching are immeasurable
Links to deeper understanding and study:
The Magnificent Threefold Lotus Sutra

An Open letter to World Leaders
On securring Peace & Security
Threefold Lotus Kwoon is a
life system combining elements
- The
practice of the Ultimate of Buddhas' teachings, Nichiren School Lotus Sutra Buddhism for
the awakening of your Essential Creative Core.
- The
Fine Arts and Humanities. Painting, drawing, philosophy and music are fundamental components for
developing a critical mind, problem solving, and discernment.
- Qigong
for greater health and vitality by developing and controlling Qi (Chi), the body's
bioelectric energy.
- Threefold
Lotus Wushu training in Concentration, Taijiquan, Qigong,
TLK Gungfu, and San Shou Kuai Jiao to train the body, mind, and Qi
to develop and unite the inner and outer self.
Shou Kuai Jiao
Student Manual and Instruction Manual
available online.
Purchase Download or Print copy.
kwoon (honored place of teaching, learning and practice) is dedicated
to the cultivation of excellent beings. There are many in this world
who chose only to survive in this life. They are those who take
action in their lives when forced or commanded to do so. What sorrowful
and meaningless lives they live! The training in Quantum Life is
a threefold path that demands development of the body, the mind
and the spirit. This is not a religion. Religions deal only with
belief systems. This is the domain of the ego only. Belief systems
are used to cloud the mind and thereby render the body and spirit
to slavery.
be an excellent being one must learn to control one's own mind with clarity,
to cleanse the body AND spirit.
are many sports clubs and training centers in the world using the
term "Martial Arts" or "Tantric" disciplines
in various ways that are nothing more than gymnasiums for the purpose
of physical play and competition. This is tragic and truly has nothing
to do with enlightenment which is the bedrock of all Martial Arts.
The starting point of all training is the philosophy used to direct the practice and development of skills in Body, Mind, and
mental fortitude or Spirit. In this Kwoon we strive for the ultimate of all teachings and goals and thereby use
the Buddha's culminating teachings, clearly stated in the Lotus Sutra where the Buddha states that all his
teachings of the first forty and more years were no longer of any use.
Only the teachings of the Lotus Sutra would guarantee the people of the 2500 years after his passing
to attain enlightenment directly, and in their current lifetime.
The basic truths and tenets of the teachings are well known and documented. Our mission at the TLK is to
define, develop, and teach the life skills requisite for the proper intigration of these teachings to
guide our successful life decisions and bring each individual to self-knowledge, confidence and fearlessness.
more on the topics I have briefly noted, please use the following
links for additional information.