Table of Contents
Proud Member
  1. Volume One
  2. Volume Two
  3. Volume Three
  4. The Truth Within
  5. On Securing Peace
  6. New Year's
  7. For Women
  8. Quantum Life Practitioners
  9. Letter to Mom
  10. On sharing epiphany
  11. For relationships
  12. On persecutions and commitment
  13. On Revelations of The Path
  14. The Key to Joy
  15. The Buddha Mind
  16. The Universal Truth is the timeless Entity of Life
  17. The World shakes in all ten directions
  18. Exigency in Dedication to the Truth

The World shakes in all ten directions

Quoting from the Major Writings of Nichiren Daishonin "The Selection of the Time", states, "In the Daijuku Sutra, Shakyamuni Buddha, The World Honoured One, addresses Bodhisattva Gatsuzo and predicts the future. Thus he says that the first five hundred years after his passing will be the age of enlightenment. [This is the period when many people are sure to attain enlightenment through practicing the Buddha's teachings.] The next five hundred years (making one thousand years), the age of meditation, [during which people will widely practice meditation in order to perceive truth.] The next five hundred years will be the age of reading, reciting, and listening, [when studying and reciting the sutras and receiving lectures on them constitute the central practice.] The next five hundred years, the age of building temples and stupas (making two thousand years), [the period when many temples and stupas are built.] Concerning the next five hundred years after that, [the beginning of the Latter Day of the Law, or the age of Conflict, the Buddha Says], "Quarrels and disputes will arise among the adherents to my teachings, and the Pure Law will become obscured and lost".

These five hundred year periods equal twenty-five hundred years after the Buddha's passing. Since the Buddhas death is estimated to have occurred in the late 6th century BCE around 526 BCE, the twenty-five hundred years after his passing would put us at the time of the 20th century CE just prior to the year 2000 CE. This corresponds with the fast rise of technology into the public domain, the Internet, and global terrorism. The spiritual tensions of the world becoming ever more divided into myriad faction and militant are a distinct characteristic of our modern world, certainly earning the label of "The age of Conflict".

Great doctrines of Peace and Love have been recorded as sacred texts throughout the world over the history of Man. All these doctrine have been met with tremendous resistance and precipitated later wars and strife due in most or in totality in the misunderstandings of people unready to learn the truths inherent in these teachings. The Kabbalah, Vedas, Qur'an, Lotus Sutra, and others all have been greeted with persecutions, worshipped, fallen into some obscurity or secularized into meaninglessness over time. The capacity of the people must be measured as to the spread of these teachings. This points to a fundamental flaw in an ultimate teaching. An ultimate teaching must, by nature, be universal to all people at all states of being at all capacities. Quantum Life has that universal answer. Quantum Life is without discrimination and all-inclusive. In fact, the all inclusiveness of Quantum Life IS its truth. This is the time and this is the Ultimate law for the people of the world. Many omens have portended the Great sacred texts of the world just as omens today have announced the birth of a new and ultimate teaching. I am truly humbled to have founded this Quantum Life teaching. I expect more teachings to follow that will build on the simple truth uncovered in the Quantum Life.

In the Major Writings of Nichiren, "On Omens", many disasters befalling Asia are recorded by date to mark the time of Nichiren's teachings. Also included are records of disasters befalling, T'ien-T'ai of China, 600 years earlier. Moreover, The Lotus Sutra and Nichiren's writings as well as T'ien-T'ai have repeated the Buddha's words that the Buddha having suffered the stones and staves and attacks upon him due to his teaching in his lifetime, how much worse might these persecutions be after his passing for those who spread his teachings? In fact, the division of the five hundred year time periods correspond not only to the capacities of the peoples in those periods, but also the nature of the persecutions and earthly disasters. Each five hundred year period introducing with it new teachings with commensurate persecutions and/or demise.

It has now been about 2500 years since the Buddha's passing. In the past decade alone we have seen many heinous wars of genocide, politics, religion, big business, and terrorism occur throughout the world. From Mount St. Helen's eruption to huge earthquakes and mudslides in Mexico, Indonesia, Pakistan, and others. African tribes hacking hundred thousands of people sent floating down the river. Terrorist attacks worldwide under the banner of peaceful Loving sacred texts.

"…when the people's five sense organs are disordered, the four quarters as well as the centre will be startled and shaken, and as signs of the consequent destruction of the land, mountains will collapse, grasses and trees wither, and rivers run dry. When the people's eyes, ears and other sense organs are confused and disturbed, extraordinary changes occur in the heavens, and when their minds are agitated, the earth quakes.", from Nichiren's gosho also add the human dimension to the earths unease and speak to the conditions of our modern world of confusion, delusion, and conflict.

In this modern world in the "Latter Day of the Law", in the fifth five hundred years after the Buddha's passing, it is time to preach and spread the true teachings of the Lotus Sutra and the fundamental teachings of the Quantum Life elucidation to promote understanding and world peace. Through the teachings of Quantum Life to train and nurture the Body, Mind, and Spirit, to cultivate excellent beings of compassion, strength, and Love, all people will have no need for war and can celebrate the life that is all our's to share and hold precious. Quantum Life philosophy maintains a core of Shakyamuni's teachings with the addition of some Physical and Mental exercise using ancient Chinese breathing and tissue and ligament conditioning to achieve greater vitality in mind and body.

I, Sylvain, have been resolute in my vision and prediction of the direction the world's deluded beliefs is bringing about a massive discord and tremendous bloodshed to the planet since I was thirteen years of age. And I say the planet, because the eco-system that supports our fragile life in the universe is also at war for its own survival in these uncompassionate and deeply selfish times. The future of life in the universe is at hand and it is only possible for it to survive if a living, compassionate, unselfish and all adopts Loving behavioural method. The greatest battle of all life in the universe is desperate for the knowledge of Quantum Life. We must spread these teachings to all corners of the world. I believe world disasters are much greater to come before the billions of people on this earth may be willing to hear, but I also believe that you and I would be remiss and share in the culpability of the crimes against life if we do not start, from this day forward, to promote the sanity of the Quantum Life, Peace, and Love.

With appreciation and humility,

Reverend Sylvain Chamberland


In this treatise the Reverend shares the foundations of his realization of the import of his advent at this time in history. Referring to the predictions of the Buddha, Reverend Sylvain places himself unselfishly at the critical period of a renewed spiritual awakening of the world and in the midst of the greatest era of conflict.

Reverend Sylvain then offers that he has had visions since the age of thirteen of a time of great spiritual upheaval. Looking at the world of conflict in 2006 CE, the Reverend see all too many omens of disasters to come in the near future.


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