Table of Contents
Proud Member
  1. Volume One
  2. Volume Two
  3. Volume Three
  4. The Truth Within
  5. On Securing Peace
  6. New Year's
  7. For Women
  8. Quantum Life Practitioners
  9. Letter to Mom
  10. On sharing epiphany
  11. For relationships
  12. On persecutions and commitment
  13. On Revelations of The Path
  14. The Key to Joy
  15. The Buddha Mind
  16. The Universal Truth is the timeless Entity of Life
  17. The World shakes in all ten directions
  18. Exigency in Dedication to the Truth

The Truth Within

Written February 4th, 2006

Hi Lynn,

You have made a couple of very provocative statements in the last little e-mail that put me to task. I hope you will indulge me in my thoughts. I really appreciate your questions and provocations in that they are truly useful in helping me delineate my philosophy and teachings. The two most prominent in my recall are your request for a primer or "Cliff's Notes" version of Quantum Life, and the second is a statement in your belief that "truth" comes from within.

The idea that truth is within oneself is a common departure point for those disenchanted or somehow removed from secular religious organization. It was my starting point many years ago. The anxiety I fell about this idea is that it is most often if not always stated as an axiom or end in itself. Any deeper discussion tends toward abstraction, romanticism, or even mysticism of some sort. I would like to use this starting point to offer you answers to both your queries.

Firstly, you are aware that science has long held the composition of all matter in the universe to be that of extremely small particles. The ultimate building block being the atom is composed of protons, neutrons, electrons, and "mostly" empty space. It follows then that we humans are also made of atoms and "empty space". In point of fact, science clearly shows that all matter in the universe is made of "mostly empty space". For that matter, atoms have never been "seen", but only "observed" by virtue of behaviour in reactions (atom bomb). As I have study extensively in the Eastern arts as well as the Western sciences, what I find most interesting is this:

The so-called empty space of western science is the domain of all reactive forces which either promotes stasis or interaction, creation or destruction. Take the atom again as example. The very construct demands forces such as the "weak gravitational force" and several others. This "weak force" is allied to the "strong gravitational force" used to bind solar systems and orbits. The electromagnetic force is another entity always discussed in relation to all particle constructs. So how is it that the non-particle space is referred to as "Empty"? It is very obviously not empty at all, but actually very active, full, and critical to the nature and existence of all "things". In the East, the study of the nature of all "things" took the form of the definition and behavioural nature of this active "space" and treats it as the most abundant and critical component for all things. In the West, material, in the East, energy. The energy is broken down into states, states of "being".

This is the crux of Quantum Life. Atoms may be unique in their constructs and combinations, but forces are all the same on whatever scale or in any combination. Einstein may have been the modern leader in the reconciliation of both worlds. Steven Hawking all but states it in his book "A Brief History of Time". That which is abundant in all things from amoeba to universe, from table to human, from seas to stars, is the active and unceasing forces that constantly move and mediate the creation and re-absorption of life. Remember the "conservation of Matter"? Life is the "empty space". This "empty space" contains "within" it all potential for being and not being, becoming and not becoming. The motive forces are Taiji, the potential forces, Wuji, the electromagnetic, Qi.
To return to your statement that all "Truth" is within, can you now see that this "Within" is the same "Within" that exists throughout all things, throughout all time? This is the "We", the "Being", the "Becoming". This is why the birds, the earth, the stars, and the grass ARE you and I and We are They.

All that separates us is illusion. The only reason we perceive all things as different is that we designed the universe with "Differentiation" in order to be able to perceive our selves. Differentiation is Yin/Yang. Strong/Weak, Physical/Mental, Male/Female.

There truly is no you and me, there is only becoming.

The remainder of Quantum Life is a guide for a "way" to live one's life in support of this knowledge.

Thank you for allowing me to send you this note. I hope that it can be of use to you.

Deepest Love and Respect,


Though this note was made in response to one of the Reverend's friends and followers, Reverend Sylvain used the opportunity to educate and dispense a brief treatise on one of the core precepts of Quantum Life. Similarities will abound in the interpretations of the Kabbalah and other sacred texts. The core precept of Quantum Life that distinguishes it from all other sacred texts is the Quantum Physics of the actual scientific and mathematical definition of that which is, spawns, and receives the ultimate spiritual entity, by whatever name given. It is the repository of all life, all possibility, all forces and the retainer of all that creates, destroys, and maintains possible that which is material or non-material in the universes.

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