- Volume One
- Volume Two
- Volume Three
- The Truth
- On
Securing Peace
- New Year's
- For Women
- Quantum
Life Practitioners
- Letter to
- On sharing
- For
- On persecutions
and commitment
- On Revelations
of The Path
- The Key to Joy
- The Buddha
- The
Universal Truth is the timeless Entity of Life
- The World
shakes in all ten directions
- Exigency
in Dedication to the Truth
Guidance for relationships
December 8th, 2005
I greatly appreciate your experiences and your diligence.
Remember that it requires a seeking mind to discover realities within
one's self that are plane to see by others. Do not try to use your mind
to convince others. It must come from their spirit. Our task is to understand
people's nature. And to be compassionate within the capabilities of their
nature. Helen is a great teacher, and it is wonderful that you realize
this with your mind. You must now realize it with your heart. It will
bring sadness, and she may need to see it. You have given her much more
to think about and live with than any other in her life. You must have
compassion for her bewilderment. Meditate on her happiness and let it
take what ever course her karma dictates. Just be concerned for her protection.
The best way to teach is by example. Just focus on yourself and her protection
and I am sure you will have joy and tremendous opportunity to further
your enlightenment.
I am going to design meditative spaces and altars. Probably a money making
venture if possible. I look forward to our reunion.
Love and Respect
Sylvain Chamberland
Sifu, Nichiren Buddhist Priest
Threefold Lotus Kwoon
Once again the Reverend communicates the compassion and self-respect
in the care necessary to communicate personal epiphany with others through
language. This is one of several letters between Rev. Sylvain and James
Todaro during James' four-month travels to Central America. This letter
was written in response to the included letter below.
Sent: Thursday, December 08, 2005 11:42 AM
Subject: Maryland in the spring
Sifu...Its funny how things work out sometimes. I am finding that Helen
is teaching me many lessons. Most of all how to deal with revulsion and
frustration. She is full of negative emotions and it seems that she doesn't
seem to care about changing her attitude. I understand that her perspective
arises from the causes and conditions of her past which have taken her
to this point in her life, but I feel like I cant provide the necessary
instruction that she needs, as I myself have much to deal with in that
regard. I don't discount the importance of these lessons and I am thankful
that I am getting stronger as a result of my confrontations with them.
Helen has read the writings which I have and I think she gets it a little,
but as you said and know very well it will be a long time before the seeds
we plant take root. She is still very much a child and until she goes
through the necessary experiences that bring about certain changes in
perspective. She still longs for the life of drinking in the pub with
her friends and being irresponsible, and as much as I can understand that
and sympathize as I myself spent all of my 20´s doing that, it is
time for me to move on to something more significant. This is something
that has taken me a very long time to evolve to. I had been feeling a
certain dissatisfaction with the direction of my life and started looking
for something more substantial in order to fill a certain void, this is
when we began discussing the sanctuary and it has become clear to me the
direction that my life will take. Before that all happened however this
trip to central America had all been organized and I feel like its my
responsibility to follow this thing through and help Helen as much as
I can, however I don't envision her wanting to participate in the realization
of this grand project, as she unfortunately feels it is something that
is outside her. It worries me that I am not able to instruct her properly
as I am myself going through so much learning right now, and as I am able
to do a fair bit of self instruction because I have a broad base of knowledge
and intellect to draw from she does not. I only hope that I do not do
any serious damage before this little adventure concludes. I feel that
she may want to progress as fast as me but does not understand the mechanics
of what she is doing. But all negativity aside, I have faith that this
trip will produce many beautiful blossoms and that it will help Helen
to develop a better sense of herself which is something that is grossly
absent. Thanks for your advice and understanding.
The idea in DC intrigues me, however I was thinking about something a
little more rural, as the city life is everything I am trying to move
from. Cities represent the filth and poverty of spirit that our society
has come to espouse. I would like to try to build something of a natural
city like environment in our sanctuary. Perhaps when I return however
you might make the trip out to Maryland rather, and we can do some scouting
around. I'm sure if we put our minds to it there is nothing we cannot
accomplish. Be well and remain positive. You are constantly in my thoughts,
as I am continually sending positive karma your way.
Much love and respect
