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 :   Table of Contents
  1. Volume One
  2. Volume Two
  3. Volume Three
  4. The Truth Within
  5. On Securing Peace
  6. New Year's
  7. For Women
  8. Quantum Life Practitioners
  9. Letter to Mom
  10. On sharing epiphany
  11. For relationships
  12. On persecutions and commitment
  13. On Revelations of The Path
  14. The Key to Joy
  15. The Buddha Mind
  16. The Universal Truth is the timeless Entity of Life
  17. The World shakes in all ten directions
  18. Exigency in Dedication to the Truth

Guidance and Letters

Quantum Life practice is a life altering path to greater awareness and ultimately leading to an enlightened awareness of all life.
Because increased awareness brings with it many new experiences, students of Quantum Life often have very similar questions and obstacles to their continued efforts and learning.
The Guidance, Letters, essays, and thoughts in these pages are intended as a guide to those confronting the challenges and the joys of the practice of Quantum Life Buddhism. Many students choose to write their experiences to Reverend Sylvain in the form of questions, or requests, or even challenges. These are included in the Background of each response to allow better understanding of the guidance given.
It is our hope, by providing these communications and essays, to help all who practice the teachings of the Lotus Sutra, a firm base of understanding for the achievement of excellent beings throughout the world.

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