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Guidance for Quantum Life Practitioners February 4th, 2006 In a world riddled and controlled by illusion, delusion, and the entertainments that nurture them, "truth" is seen as the projectile excrement of an evil force from a far too intimate place. Truth is that which gives substance to our self-perception. No words can proscribe truth as each word contains within its life, the seeds of truth and falsehood. The closest communications that can circumlocute the truth is honesty. True honesty requires great knowledge of self. The type of knowledge that requires deep commitment to honesty within. Only then can honesty manifest from within to locution and to others. In a world riddled and controlled by illusion, delusion, and the entertainments that nurture them, "honesty" is a concept seen at a distance and feared as a destroyer of the status quo. To be a champion of Truth and Honesty in this vile world is to be a single cube of ice in the midst of a forest fire. The ice may liquefy, and vaporize, but the water will not disappear. With great sadness, the water may yet descend upon the forest once again, once the fire has all destroyed but the earth beneath it. Perhaps then will the water be influential in the re-growth of the forest. This is the nature of love. Love will never die and always be ready to mend and nurture. But love will never mend nor alter the ways of delusion. The fires of delusions do not belong to the world of life and affirming emotions life. Fire is not affirming but manifest destruction. Because fire acts without affirmation, there is not checkpoint for reflection, no mediating reality. Fire simply devours, as Delusion also devours, without reason, without need of affirmation or justification. It is destruction incarnate. Religion, Philosophy, teachings that rely on delusion, illusion, entertainments, all spark the fuels of fire. The world is filled with these inhuman and destructive fodders with support at the highest levels of governments and teachings. The fires stoked by these purveyors of fantasy threaten the very earth we share. It is time for the waters of the world to unit, in protection and support of one another. We must rain down the light of honesty and show the path to Truth. We must find the methods to distribute the "Path" widely to quell the fires and to quiet the delusion purveyors. The existence of the earth depends on it. It is the time of spiritual revolution. We must prevail. With all my Respect, Reverend Sylvain Chamberland
This brief note was written in response to several negative responses and ridicules of life philosophy prevalent in the media as well as from the notes of some emails sent to Reverend Sylvain. |
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