Table of Contents
Proud Member
  1. Volume One
  2. Volume Two
  3. Volume Three
  4. The Truth Within
  5. On Securing Peace
  6. New Year's
  7. For Women
  8. Quantum Life Practitioners
  9. Letter to Mom
  10. On sharing epiphany
  11. For relationships
  12. On persecutions and commitment
  13. On Revelations of The Path
  14. The Key to Joy
  15. The Buddha Mind
  16. The Universal Truth is the timeless Entity of Life
  17. The World shakes in all ten directions
  18. Exigency in Dedication to the Truth

Exigency in Dedication to the Truth

February 20, 2006


My last communication to you was rather lengthy. I hope I do not overburden you. A consistent theme in your last few writings to me touches my heart and gives me cause to seek deeper knowledge in the efforts to live in the modern world while seeking more spiritual cognizance and attachment to the true currents and flow of life. This search is the predominant theme of my life.

You are intuitively correct in you desire for isolation. It is in the quiet and womblike state of meditation in familiar natural spaces where we are freed into deeper introspective "being" opening passages and connections with the cosmic flow of life and its exigencies. Now I speak to you as a disciple, a monk in search of ultimate truth, and not as a student whose interest is merely entertainment and or curiosity. It is incumbent on those who have the facility to change things for the better to correct those things that need changing. As seekers of higher truth and knowledge we also accept responsibility for spreading its healing potential. This is why, though we must find opportunity for solace and deep meditative retreats, we must also put ourselves in the world where we can inject our presence, lead and teach through example, and make ourselves available to those who would join our enterprise at any level. This is the ultimate goal of Kosen Rufu.

Kosen Rufu is translated poorly as world peace. Peace, it must be understood, is not a noun. Peace, to a Quantum Life practitioner, is an activity of offering compassion while challenged in secular matters, responding to violence and rage with kindness and love, courageously stern and protective in the face of cowardice and fear. By our behaviour, borne of deep insights and teachings, and awakenings from meditations, we walk the world as examples and thereby teachers, of peace.

You now have an opportunity to re-enter the world of secular competition and business politics. This is the microcosm of the world in its ever-holy grail of financial power and control. Our biggest threat to enlightenment lies in this day-to-day world. This threat is prevalent in all aspects and activities of societal living. It is also the often-underlying reason for the desire of solitude. IT is the ego. Self-centred thinking cannot be confused or even permitted to enter our idea of solitude or meditation. This is totally antithetical to the beauty and revelation of our Buddha nature, our God nature, our oneness and shared "Being". Your most ardent task then, in the secular world, is to maintain humility. Not humility in the sense of superior versus inferior, or subordinate, or humility as loosing dignity, but humility in the embarrassment of those who would abuse position or politic. Your humility must be righteous and verbal, quiet and direct, fair and honest. You may not be always liked for this, but you will be respected, and your response to derision, especially borne of this honesty, must be humble and accepted with dignity. Do not resort to battle, for this is the shadow of ego. This is a tremendous challenge I know you already understand. Please regard this note as a supportive chat.

I wish you tremendous and extravagant success. Go for more than you dream of. This will ensure rapid attainment for freedom, and for my own selfish desires of our future reunion as soon as possible.

With my respect and admiration,



This email was sent in response to James' return to Maryland after a short trip to Florida to assist his mother in her move to that area.

In his response, Reverend Sylvain indicates to James the Reverend's desire to teach and train James to be his first disciple. Sylvain offers support and guidance to encourage James' return to the secular world of business and competition, offering teachings on the practice and attitude necessary for anyone seeking ultimate truth and spiritual wisdom. There is also strong guidance on the role a practitioner of Quantum Life or any person of this attitude and their responsibility in society in the mission for Kosen Rufu.

The letter Sifu Sylvain responded to with this email was sent by James the previous day, and is included below.

Sifu...I have been trying to call you, but your line is busy, I imagine you are online? So I am writing instead. I would prefer to talk, because I never seem to be able to communicate as effectively when typing, but such is the nature of life. Firstly, you may of course use any correspondences we have had in your book, and please forward me updates when you can. I have been pondering a great many things, and watching the world unfold around us as it is, makes me very wary of the future. I would prefer to get as far away from the cities as possible, I think it would behove us to start thinking in that manner, for when things start to unfold, as I have seen them, there will be a great exodus. Watching the tragedy in New Orleans only goes to show the grit of our society, and its lack of character. We are living in biblical times and the true power of nature has yet to unfold, New Orleans perhaps, was only foreboding of things to come. I was thinking perhaps Nevada, Arizona, New Mexico, Colorado, Idaho, *Wyoming* would all be good options. For there is much land and little population, and there would be plenty of sun for a hydroponics project. The next few weeks will be difficult for me, as I have to adjust to a lifestyle that is not befitting of me, but one that I must endure. It is the sacrifices that we make that go to make us stronger and appreciate the warmth of accomplishment. As long as we keep our vision true and our goal pure we can achieve the loftiest of accomplishments. I will try not to lose sight of all my progress...Hopefully we can meet soon, I shall keep you informed how my search for employment goes. Be well and strong, and falter not in your determination. You have much to teach and much to learn, and with love and perseverance all will fall into place.
Much love and respect

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