- Volume One
- Volume Two
- Volume Three
- The Truth
- On
Securing Peace
- New Year's
- For Women
- Quantum
Life Practitioners
- Letter to
- On sharing
- For
- On persecutions
and commitment
- On Revelations
of The Path
- The Key to Joy
- The Buddha
- The
Universal Truth is the timeless Entity of Life
- The World
shakes in all ten directions
- Exigency
in Dedication to the Truth
Guidance for Women
February 2nd, 2006
Hi James
Just a note. If it is relevant, please make use of it, if not, perhaps
store for future use? :-)
I have had a great deal of email and conversation with women in the past
year whose fundamental malaise revolves around some manifestation of feelings
of ridicule or valuelessness. I get requests for guidance in forms from
direct to convoluted, but they all seem to rest on this fear of being
less than or judged less than or simply believing that they cannot surmount
the weight of their own mediocrity or worse.
I cautioned you before on advice to women. We need to raise strong women
as disciples to help us educate and raise other women. Women are by far
much more effective at guiding other women, as Men can be easily deceived
and manipulated by women.
In any case, if you should feel the necessity to help particular females
who seem to come to you less as a man, but more as advisor, please make
use of the following guidance I have offered several women in the past
What I encourage you to meditate on are the following.
1. The idea that the opinions of others are your justification for the
feelings you hold true about yourself is a dirty trick you are playing
on yourself. These "opinions" and smirks, and laughs from others
are the very beliefs you hold about your self.
2. Where or when did you decide to put these judgments and destructive
beliefs on you?
3. Who do you blame for these beliefs?
4. If you answered someone other than you, I advise you to meditate on
the pains and sufferings of there existence and to wish them a happier
5. If you answered you, then you need to forgive yourself for being so
cruel and mean to yourself and realize your own beauty and cherish the
mind, life, and body you have.
6. You must meditate to realize that you created everything in this universe,
along with the trees, squirrels, sky, stars, and oceans. You yourself
decided that all this should exist for one purpose only. That purpose
is to perceive that wonder that is you. All other thoughts are veils of
illusion prohibiting you from seeing the truth, that you are the essence
and meaning of all life. This is the true beauty which is you. You are
God, Allah, Brahma, Buddha, and all great deities from Manu to Pharaoh.
The explanation to all this is in "The Path".
Please meditate on these things and be loving to your true self. You are
worth the risk. What can you possibly loose?
All my love and respect....
Sylvain Chamberland
Sifu, Nichiren Buddhist Monk
Threefold Lotus Kwoon
Many of the Reverend's friends and followers over the years have been
women. With unfailing commonality, these women would often communicate
their goals, fears, and self-doubts in deprecating language.
After many letters of simple contradiction in an effort to be supportive,
Reverend Sylvain meditated for a deeper solution. A solution that would
address the deeper currents of these doubts and a teaching that would
be universal and timeless as well as compassionate.
Though Sylvain has written other teachings on the danger of the "ego",
there is a special attention here to the "vanity" aspect of
the ego. Vanity is an often cleverly disguised subterfuge of the ego creating
false fears and false interpretations.
