- Volume One
- Volume Two
- Volume Three
- What
is Daimoku
- On Becoming
- The Buddha's Work
- A Debt of Gratitude
- Longing for Masters
- Samsara and the Ego
- Samsaric Opportunity
- Singlemindedly desire
to see the Buddha
- The Two Great Concepts
- Pain of ending
- The Buddha's Teaching
- Broad Study
but Focused Practice
- Merits of Teaching
the Law
Longing for Masters
Your kind words are fresh water in a desert. It fills my heart to sense
your dedication and commitment.
For me, I have been writing more concise and clearer teachings for awakening
and for the way through Art in a manifesto to resurrect the true path
in Art. You see it is my life and breath that is the way. I have been
receiving clarity on remembrances of childhood, when I knew, when I discovered,
in near death experiences, what I today attempt to put into words. It
often brings tears to my eyes, the challenges I put myself through in
this world of samsara. My brother died in the first month of life, and
was born one year to the day before me. We may actually be the same person,
but this is a discussion best had eye to eye.
I have made tremendous causes in the past few months, enough to shake
the earth. My commitment is no longer at issue. As I continue to grow
closer to truth, I realize my path is made more difficult by distance
from my mentors, my masters. It is perhaps why my life has been so riddled
with difficulties, to prepare, to strengthen, to achieve without direct
support, but for the Buddhas themselves.
I have had signposts to be sure, but always and without fail, though I
strenuously devote myself to any teacher, with complete humility, time
and time again, those leaders have moved aside as they came to tell me
that my "knowledge" surpassed their own. It is through this
experience that I began to understand that all phenomena are in fact my
master and teacher. It is a path very lonely and ascetic in many ways,
but also rewarding and transcendent, as the day you and I went to the
lake. There is a joy of childlike amazement and awe that wells within
me for which I have no words. To maintain the joy is unfathomable, yet
I know that we will reach this goal, and that time is not real, yet circumstances
can change and viciously derail in samsara. It is the state of the world
today, even though, as you say, there seems a general welling up of consciousness.
I will see you soon.
Love and respect,
Reverend Sylvain Chamberland, Nyudo
----- Original Message -----
From: James Todaro
Sent: Wednesday, May 03, 2006 1:54 PM
Subject: the way and the path
Sylvain...I tried sending this email yesterday and got a delivery failure.
I am attempting once more to send it. I hope all is well with you and
your wife.
Sifu...I too would prefer a life in which I could devote myself wholly
and completely to the way. I feel that day drawing near. It is the vision
of this that gives me strength when my inner drive grows dim. I still
have much to learn in, and although I would gain much from your immediate
instruction I have chosen this path because I feel that it is the option
that will ultimately achieve this end. As long as we stay true to ourselves,
the way, and the path, we do not live under the auspices of time and little
effect does it have on us. With your love and guidance we surely will
find what it is we seek. We only need faith. It saddens me that your teachings
have limited reach, for your words speak true and those that hear them
would be wise to appreciate the power that lies behind them. But please
do not forget, the people who would belittle and degrade your teachings
are those that need them most. We live in a time that is full of promise
and energy. People are looking for something real, I can feel it. Once
the facade has been made clear there will be plenty of opportunity to
pick up the pieces and create something beautiful. Our time draws near.
I shall see you soon.
Much love and respect
