- Volume One
- Volume Two
- Volume Three
- What
is Daimoku
- On Becoming
- The Buddha's Work
- A Debt of Gratitude
- Longing for Masters
- Samsara and the Ego
- Samsaric Opportunity
- Singlemindedly desire
to see the Buddha
- The Two Great Concepts
- Pain of ending
- The Buddha's Teaching
- Broad Study
but Focused Practice
- Merits of Teaching
the Law
The Buddha's Work
Truly nothing is outside your grasp. I only wish with all my heart that
we could devote ourselves solely to the nature of mind and awakening.
To teach others in the Way and have the Path swell to embrace every person
we meet. Although I am joyful that you will be able to settle your samsaric
issues in the field of mathematics, I confess to a slight grieving, no
doubt my own attachments. I trust you will continue to practice as you
have already said. And I am certain of the powerful influence you will
have on the world. Mathematics was certainly a great part of my path and
awakenings. Truly, the teachings of the Buddha show that all our activities
to bring light into others' lives is the work of the Buddha. The key to
this work is in the attitude, not superficially, but deep within one's
fibre. It is here that we discover mindfulness, in our ability to see
clearly into our motives and reward. If there is the slightest motive
to give of our "selves" to others in the hopes of attaining
egotistical reward, we have tarnished our Buddha nature and lost an opportunity
for cleansing negative karma. In fact, this is the way of the ego and
its reinforcements of the samsaric world. Teaching is a noble path, with
courageous objectives; with mindfulness this can definitely lead to awakenings
in conjunction with contemplation and meditation.
I am sorry that the Florida trip will be unavailable. I have been a bit
preoccupied with the most recent book on meditation I am writing and the
recording of guided meditations of which I now have in the dozens, as
well as the continued trauma in Tibet. Though the Buddhism there is still
adherent to Theravada precepts and provisional Mahayana, there is hope.
It is as though the Buddhas themselves drove the Tibetans from their home
to force propagation of the teachings to the West. There must be a resurgence
of the primacy of the Lotus Sutra. It should be of no surprise to anyone
if one day I simply disappear to go live in a monastery in the area. I
feel so limited in the ability to spread the teachings here.
With this current book, I am beginning an effort for a large publisher
to print and distribute. Much will depend on the success or failure of
that endeavour.
I appreciate you sentiments and your inquiries. I anticipate your visit.
Love and respect,
Reverend Sylvain Nyudo
This original letter was amended to include elucidations on the thoughts
not transmitted in the written context. This ongoing dialogue is of great
value in the application of Buddhist thought and practice.
----- Original Message -----
From: James Todaro
Sent: Saturday, April 29, 2006 11:40 AM
Subject: The energy flows through in and throughout
Sifu...ahhhhhhhhh. I can finally breathe. I've been studying pretty intensely
for the past week and a half going through some old math material I haven't
touched on in 10-15 years. I guess it never really leaves you though.
My test was today and I think I did pretty well. I'm not sure as to my
next moves yet. It looks like I wont be able to pick you up, though I
will be able to make a stop in Tupelo for a day or two. Ill only have
a week or less for the whole trip...but things are still developing, so
Ill fill you in more when I know more. I feel real well though. And happy.
I'm a bit worn down from all the stress, but I'm really glad I sweated
the details. I really feel like I nailed that test. :) I just wanted you
to know that I love you and am inspired by your presence. Thank you for
helping me to spread love and joy. It will be good to see you...and the
temple room. Soon.
Love and anticipation
