- Volume One
- Volume Two
- Volume Three
- What
is Daimoku
- On Becoming
- The Buddha's Work
- A Debt of Gratitude
- Longing for Masters
- Samsara and the Ego
- Samsaric Opportunity
- Singlemindedly desire
to see the Buddha
- The Two Great Concepts
- Pain of ending
- The Buddha's Teaching
- Broad Study
but Focused Practice
- Merits of Teaching
the Law
A Debt of Gratitude
I have repeatedly thought of you and your family over the past few years.
Lately, it seems the dialogue I had with you at your office, though it
was motivated by other exigencies, most memorable for our talk of life
and death, has been particularly frequent in my thoughts.
I have traveled a bewilderingly circuitous path, and continue to do so
in the illusion that I am moving in a determined direction. My progress,
if it exists, is in my spiritual development. Without going into details,
I continue to "do" in the search to "be".
I just want to thank you. Your words that day, well chosen, direct, reached
me profoundly. I wish we could have more time together.
Love and respect,
Reverend Sylvain Chamberland, Nyudo
