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The Lotus Sutra

Chapter 6
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Conferring Predictions

At that time, following his expounding of the verses, the World Honored One spoke to the great assembly in this manner, "My disciple, Mahakashyapa, in a future age will serve and behold three hundred thousand million Buddhas, World Honored Ones, making offerings, paying reverence, venerating and praising them; he will broadly proclaim the limitless Great Dharma of all the Buddhas. "In his final body he will become a Buddha by the name of Light Brightness. Thus Come One, one worthy of offerings, of proper and universal knowledge, one whose understanding and conduct are complete, a well-gone one who understands the world, an unsurpassed Lord, a taming and regulating hero, a teach of gods and humans, a Buddha, a World Honored One. His country will be called Light Virtue and his aeon will be called Great Adornment. His lifespan as a Buddha will last for twelve minor aeons. The Proper Dharma will dwell there for twenty minor aeons. The Dharma Resemblance Age will also dwell there for twenty minor aeons. "His realm will be adorned and free of any filth or evil, tiles or stones, thorns or brambles, excrement or other impurities. The land will be flat, without high or low places, gullys or hills. The land will be made of lapis lazuli, and set about with rows of jeweled trees. The roads will be bordered with golden ropes. Precious flowers will be scattered about, purifying it entirely. The Bodhisattvas in that land will number in the limitless thousands of millions, the assembly of Sound Hearers will be likewise uncountable. No deeds of Mara will be done there, and although Mara and his subjects will exist there, they will all protect the Buddha dharma." At that time, the World Honored One, wishing to restate this principle, spoke verses saying, I declare to the Bhikshus that By using my Buddha Eye I see that Kashyapa In a future age Countless aeons from now shall become a Buddha And that in the future he Shall make offerings to, revere and behold Three hundred ten thousands of millions of Buddhas, World Honored Ones. And, for the sake of the Buddha's wisdom He shall purely cultivate Brahman conduct. He shall make offerings to the highest Honored One, doubly complete and then Cultivate and practice all Unsurpassed wisdom. In his final body He shall become a Buddha. His land will be pure, With lapis lazuli for soil, And with many jeweled trees Lining the roadways, And with the roads set off by golden cords, Delighting all who see it. Fine fragrance will always issue forth, Rare flowers will be strewn about, With all manner of rare articles It shall be adorned. The land will be flat and even Without hills or gullys. The assembly of Bodhisattvas Will be unreckonable. Their minds will be gentle Having gained great spiritual powers; They will reverently uphold the Buddha's Great Vehicle sutras. The assembly of Sound Hearers, Without outflows, in their last bodies, Sons of the Dharma King, Will also be beyond all count. So that, even with the Heavenly Eye, Their number shall not be known. His lifespan as a Buddha will be Twelve minor aeons, and His Proper Dharma will dwell in the world Twenty minor aeons. The Dharmas Image Age will dwell Also for twenty minor aeons. The World Honored One, Light Brightness Shall have a history such as this. At that time, Mahamaudgalyayana, Subhuti and Mahakatyayana were very agitated. They single-mindedly joined their palms, gazed upward at the World Honored One, not lowering their gaze for a moment, and with a single voice spoke these verses: Great, brave hero, the World Honored One, The Shakyan Dharma King, Out of pity for us all Bestow the Buddha Word! If, knowing our profoundest thoughts, you see that we gain predictions, It will be like a sprinkling of sweet dew, Dispelling heat and giving cool refreshment. It'll be like a person from a famine-stricken land, who suddenly encounters a royal feast: His mind holds doubt and fear, And he doesn't dare go ahead and eat. But, if he gained the king's permission, Then he would certainly dare to eat. We, in the same way, ever think Of the errors of the Small Vehicle And do not know how we are To gain the Buddhas unsurpassed wisdom. Although we hear the Buddha's voice Saying that we shall become Buddhas, Our minds hold worry and fear, Like one who dares not yet to eat. If we were favored by the Buddha's prediction, Then we should be happy and at peace. Great, brave hero, World Honored One, You who always wish peace for the world Please bestow predictions upon us Like giving the famished permission to eat! At that time, the World Honored One, knowing the thoughts in the minds of his great disciples, told the Bhikshus, "Subhuti will in a future age serve and behold three hundreds of myriads of millions of Nayutas of Buddhas, making offerings, paying reverence, venerating, and praising them, ever cultivating the Brahman conduct, and perfecting the Bodhisattva Way. "In his final body, he will become a Buddha called Name Appearance Thus Come One, one worthy of offerings, of proper and universal knowledge, one whose understanding and conduct are complete, a well-gone one who understands the world, an unsurpassed lord, a taming and regulating hero, teacher of gods and humans, Buddha, World Honored One. His aeon will be called Possessing-Jewels. His country will be called Giving Birth to Jewels. His land will be level, with crystal for soil, and jeweled trees for adornments. It will be without hills or gullys, stones, thorns, filth or excrement. Jeweled flowers will cover the ground, purifying it entirely. The people of his land will all dwell on jeweled terraces or in precious, fine towers. The assembly of Sound Hearers will be limitless and boundless, so that they cannot be known by resort to number or analogy. The assembly of Bodhisattvas will number in the countless thousands of myriads of millions of Nayutas. His lifespan as a Buddha will last for twelve minor aeons. The Proper Dharma will dwell there for twenty mino aeons. The Dharma Image Age will also dwell there for twenty mino aeons. This Buddha will constantly dwell in empty space speaking Dharma for the multitudes and crossing over limitless Bodhisattvas and Sound Hearers." At that time the World Honored One, wishing to restate this principle spoke verses saying, Assembled Bhikshus I shall now tell you, Listen singlemindedly To what I'm going to say. My great disciple, Subhuti, Will become a Buddha Called Name-Appearance. After making offerings to countless Myriads of millions of Buddhas Following the Buddhas' practices, He will gradually perfect the Great Way. In his final body he shall Obtain Thirty-two Marks, Upright and beautiful Like a jeweled mountain. His Buddha land will be Foremost in purity and adornment. Living beings who see it All will take delight in it. And as a Buddha therein He will save limitless multitudes. Within his Buddha Dharma Will be many Bodhisattvas, All of sharp faculties, Turning the non-retreating wheel. This land will ever be Adorned with Bodhisattvas; The assembly of Sound Hearers Will be beyond all reckoning. All having gained the Three Clarities, And perfected the Six Spiritual Powers Abiding in the Eight Liberations And possessing great awesome virtue. When this Buddha speaks the Dharma He will manifest limitless Spiritual powers and transformations, Inconceivable. The people, both gods and humans, Their numbers like the Ganges sands, All will join their palms To hear and accept that Buddha's words. The Buddha's lifespan will be Twelve minor aeons, The Proper Dharma will dwell in the world For twenty minor aeons; The Dharma Resemblance Age will dwell For twenty minor aeons, also. At that time, the World Honored One further addressed the assembly of Bhikshus saying, "I will now tell you: In a future age, Mahakatyayana will make offerings of various articles to, and will reverently serve eight thousand million Buddhas, honoring and venerating them. After the extinction of those Buddhas, he will erect a stupa for each, one thousand Yojanas in height, five hundred Yojanas in breadth, and made of the seven jewels: gold, silver, lapis lazuli, mother of pearl, carneilian, pearls, and agate. He will make offerings of many flowers, beaded necklaces, paste incense, powdered incense, burning incense, silk canopies and banners to the stupa. After that, he will further make offerings to twenty thousand million Buddhas in the same manner. Having made offerings to those Buddhas, he will perfect the Bodhisattva Way. "He will then become a Buddha called Jambunada Gold Light Thus Come One, one worthy of offerings, of proper and universal knowledge, one whose understanding and conduct are complete, a well-gone one who understands the world, unsurpassed lord, a taming and regulating hero, teacher of gods and humans, Buddha, World Honored One. "The land will be flat and even with crystal for soil and jeweled trees as adornments. The roads will be bordered with golden ropes, and the ground covered with fine flowers, purifying it entirely, so that those who see it are delighted. The Four Evil Paths will not exist there, that is, the hells, hungry ghosts, animals, and Asuras. There will be many gods, humans, assembled Sound Hearers and Bodhisattvas who will number in the limitless myriads of millions, and all adorning that land. His lifespan as a Buddha will be twelve minor aeons. His Proper Dharma will dwell in the world twenty minor aeons. The Dharma Resemblance Age will dwell also for twenty minor aeons." At that time, the World Honored One, wishing to restate this principle spoke verses saying, O Bhikshus, all of you, Listen with a single mind, For that which I say Is true, real, and without error. Katyayana, shall with a variety Of fine and subtle articles Make offerings to the Buddhas. After the extinction of thos Buddhas He will build stupas of the seven jewels And also, with flowers and incense Make offerings to their Sharira. In his final body He will attain the Buddha wisdom And realize proper enlightenment. His country will be pure And he will cross over limitless Myriads of millions of beings; From the ten directions He will receive offerings. His Buddha light Will be unsurpassed As a Buddha his name will be Jambunada Gold Light. Bodhisattvas, and Sound Hearers Having severed all existence Unlimited and innumerable Will adorn his land. At that time, the World Honored One, further spoke to the assembly. "I now tell you that Mahamaudgalyayana will in the future, with various articles, make offerings to eight thousand Buddhas, honoring and venerating them. After the extinction of those Buddhas, he will erect for each of them a stupa one thousand Yojanas in height and five hundred Yojanas in breadth, and made of the seven jewels, gold, silver, lapis lazuli, mother of pearl, carneilian, pearls, and agate. He will make offerings to it of many flowers, beaded necklaces, paste incense, powdered incense, burning incense, silk canopies and banners. After that, he will further make offerings to two hundred myriads of millions of Buddhas in the same manner. "He will then become a Buddha called Tamalapattracandana Fragrance Thus Come One, one worthy of offerings, of proper and universal knowledge, one whose understanding and conduct are complete, a well-gone one who understands the world, an unsurpassed lord, a taming and regulating hero, teacher of gods and humans, Buddha, World Honored One. His aeon will be called Full of Joy. His country will be called Delighted Mind. His land will be flat and even with crystal for soil, and jeweled trees for adornments. Real pearl flowers will be scattered about, purifying it entirely, so that those who see it rejoice. There will be many gods, humans, Bodhisattvas and Sound Hearers, limitless and uncountable in number. His lifespan as a Buddha will last for twenty-four minor aeons. The Proper Dharma will dwell there for forty minor aeons. The Dharma Resemblance Age will dwell also for forty minor aeons." At that time, the World Honored One, wishing to restate this principle spoke verses, saying: My disciple Mahamaudgalyayana Having cast aside this body Will view eight thousand Two hundred myriads of millions Of Buddhas, World Honored Ones. And, for the sake of the Buddha Way Will honor and make offerings to them. In the presence of those Buddhas, He will always practice Brahman conduct, Throughout limitless aeons, Reverently upholding the Buddhadharma. After the extinction of those Buddhas, He will build stupas of the seven jewels, Displaying golden spires And with flowers, incense, and instrumental music He will make offerings To the Buddhas' stupas. Gradually, having perfected The Bodhisattva Path, In a land called Delighted Intent, He will become a Buddha Called Tamala Candana Fragrance. His lifespan as a Buddha will be Twenty-four minor aeons. Always, for gods and humans He will expound and proclaim the Buddha Way. There will be limitless Sound Hearers In number like the Ganges sands, With the Three Clarities and Six Penetrations And great, awesome virtue. There will be uncountable Bodhisattvas Vigorous and solid resolve And who, with regard to the Buddhas' wisdom Are irreversible. After that Buddha's extinction The Proper Dharma will dwell For Forty minor aeons, And the Dharma Resemblance Age will be the same. All my disciples Having perfected their awesom virtue, All five hundred of them Shall be given predictions And in a future age Will become Buddhas. Of my own and your former Causes and conditions I now will tell: All of you, listen well!



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