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School of the Buddha teachings of the Lotus Flower of the Wonderful Law
Teaching lineage from Shakyamuni through Nagarjuna, Vasubandhu, Chih-Che (T'ien-t'ai), Miao-Lo, Saicho, and Bodhisattva Nichiren .
Location Map for directions
NOW You Can listen to the Buddhahood PODCAST on your PHONE Now! The Buddhahood Podcast
Support the School at PayPal.Me/SifuSylvain
PATREON videos and donation portal for support of the TLK resources
Please also follow us on Facebook -
Podcast Practice Aids
Slow Gongyo - 3 sections once
AUDIO Podcast
Shodai Daimoku - 30 minutes
AUDIO Podcast
Have Sifu Sylvain Chamberlain come to your home or Center as a guest speaker!
Have Sifu Sylvain Chamberlain perform a Service for the Deceased

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Happiness, Joy, Fulfillment, and Success all result from a greater understanding of our true nature.
Only then can we create unshakable joy and success in all our endeavors.
The New Kwoon is now ONLINE After completion of the school, the altar and platform has been surrounded with video equipment to create an online "studio" for the recording of video/podcasts
to study, elucidate, and propagate the teachings of Shakyamuni Buddha and Bodhisattva Nichiren's doctrine and insights of the Lotus Sutra method for self-realization of innate Buddha.
Our SANGHA is now WORLDWIDE! and we are growing by the day. Please join us on
The Buddhahood Podcast, and at this website for free information and access to Ebooks, Mandala, Books, and more.
Please> send us check, cash, money order to:
191"A" County Road 455
Shannon MS, 38868-9054
Pay with PAYPAL
Fundamental Premise of the Threefold Lotus Kwoon
We hold true that Life in all its aspects from human to universe, blade of grass to empty space, is a precious event to be revered and taken personally
- To create a peaceful, respectful, and mindful existence begins with individuals
- When a person is enlightened to their own possibilities, that person's mind is filled with greater depth of understanding of the preciousness of life and develops greater compassion and the ability to build value creating relationships
- Through the promotion and development of value creating relationships, better government is created
- Through better government, a more responsible view of the world and Life is promoted.
- Through the teaching and practice of the Arts, the TLK seeks to develop value creating individuals.
Threefold Lotus Kwoon is a school of Humanities founded
on Quantum Life Buddhist principles of a value creating
life. People of all disciplines are welcomed
here in a place with rolling hills and a nurturing
environment of a select few for opportunity to grow
and experience fully the "essential creative
You don't have to be
a Buddhist to be a painter or sculptor. It is not necessary for you to be a Martial Artist
in order to understand Buddhism. Being an Artist does not make you a Martial Artist. But the
opportunity to "cross-polinate" all these is very powerful. To be a Martial Artist is to have
a deep appreciation of movement, balance, and expression. To be an artist is to have a keenly discerning
eye, a deep appreciation of form, balance, and expression. To be a Buddhist is to have a dedicated awareness
and a deep appreciation for life, equanimity, and expression. You may chose only one path among these, and
yet you will learn all three.
the ancient sages have all taught in some form, we
must experience and train our bodies, our minds, and
our spirits to their maximum potential in order to
develop "true" knowledge, "true"
health, and "true" understanding that leads
to compassion, strength, and fearlessness. A life
well lived.
The core of the Quantum Life philosophy practiced at the Threefold Lotus Kwoon is the integration of the three basic
elements of human life, namely the body, the mind, and the essential and innate creative core of our being. This
creative core is the fundament upon which we build our beliefs, our epistemology and the basis for all our relations
with the phenomenal world about us. The ultimate teachings of the Buddha provide the perfect framework to create a
happy and fulfilled life.
We have adopted specific activities that excel at this integration to be the consistent and daily activities around
which all other activities are structured. These activities of Taijiquan, Qigong, Buddhist practice (Nichiren School),
Fine Arts Trainning, Science of Mind trainning, and Massage, have thousands of years history. These activities are all
easy for anybody to begin, and offer an endless depth of skill and integration comensurate with the practitioners will.
We also offer books for self study and practice through www.lulu.com/kwoon with notable core books like "There is no
I" ISBN: 978-0-557-12298-1 and "Independent Nichiren Doctrine of Lotus Sutra Buddhism" ISBN 978-1794807167 available also on Amazon and other online retailers.
True Buddhism now available as EBOOK "Core Buddhism" at www.lulu.com/kwoon
For more information on Quantum Life Teachings click here.
Big Book Buddhism, ISBN:978-0-557-52315-3"
Please donate
Purchase a beautifully framed Nichiren mandala of GOHONZON at https://www.cafepress.com/shop/gohonzon/products
Choose from the Nichiren Prayer Gohonzon or the Quantum Life Buddhist Gohonzon

Or larger poster sizes you can frame yourself....AND this beautiful Zange
Resource for Quantum Life Buddhist Principles and teachings.

Buddhist and Qigong Meditation Center
TLK Fine Arts Teaching Center
View TLK fine art in a larger map
namu, myoho, renge, kyo, threefold,lotus, nirvana, flower, Buddhism, philosophy, health, vitality, tai chi, Taiji,
Taijiquan, tai chi Chuan, Chuan Fa, wushu, San Shou, wrestling, kung fu, Qigong, chi kung, white crane,
enlightenment, the way, the middle way, life force, qi, chi, Jin, Jing, holistic, medicine, ancient, master,
Sylvain, Sifu, sensei, sa bum nim, ju jutsu, jujutsu, jiu jitsu, kendo, sword, katana, wakizashi, tanto, tonfa,
sai, nunchaku, nun chuck, staff, samurai, self-defense, self defense, street fight, fight, boxing, hand to hand,
combat, meditation, breath control, breathing, exercise.